Sunday, September 27, 2009


Spending some time in Leviticus this evening and struck by some of the ground rules that God lays out for His people as He sets up the means by which people's sins will be forgiven. But first, I want to give a quick precursor. I am using a Bible reading plan which I really love and its found here  It just so happens that I am in Leviticus. I am not one who would normally flip straight to the book of Leviticus for a spiritual pick-me-up and if you are then what I am about to say probably won't be interesting to you, but here it is. 
Leviticus 3:2 "And he shall lay his hand on the head of his offering and kill it at the entrance of the tent of meeting..." 
This is an idea repeated over and over throughout the first 10 chapters which has really grabbed my attention. Looking beyond the fact that the sacrificial system established in the OT is the last thing I ever would have thought of if I were God, but the best thing I can imagine for God to convey to His people the seriousness of sin.  Looking beyond this, I want to focus quickly on one thought. God commands His people to lay their hands on the head of the sacrifice. To put the blood on their hands. Not to simply by a goat, hand it over to the slaughterhouse and go home. But to be there for the brutal murder which was necessary to atone for the sin committed, no matter how serious that sin seemed at the time of its conception.  
Closing thought, what if I placed my hand on the head of the necessary, perfect, sufficient, voluntary sacrifice as He was being slaughtered for my sin, every time I needed forgiveness for my sin? He would be no less willing to forgive but I may find myself more reluctant to transgress His perfect law. 
What is something for you that has raised your awareness of the severity of sin? One passage, one sermon, one book, one experience? 
Thank you for your time and your contributions which I know will help me walk closer, with increased holiness, before the Lord. Our perfect and sufficient sacrifice!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Personal Development

As you can see from my first post, I am entering a season in which I have an increased desire to not remain complacent in my development but to press forward. With that, I have seen that many fellow friends and Campus Crusade staff members have found blogging to be a crucial aspect of their development.  As I sat down recently to make a plan for my development I came up with the following categories. 
  • my strengths (natural, spiritual, areas of passion)
  • areas in which I obviously need growth for future success (scheduling, angermanagement, dynamic determinism, etc.)
  • future plans or aspirations
  • people to pursue as life coaches
  • specific developmental tasks (Bible reading/studying plans, blogging, theological development, books to read, preachers to listen to, develop life mission statement, work on time management, etc.)
I think it would be sweet for anybody reading this to leave a comment with the books, activities, excercises, websites, etc. that have been most influential in your personal, spiritual, or leadership development. I recognize this is broad but we will see if it leads anywhere.  

Thanks for your input!

Ground Zero

Thanks for coming. I have been considering starting a blog for awhile, but it seems the time has finally come. Based on the title, you can hopefully see that I have no aspirations for greatness. I am simply desiring to use this blog as a tool for my own spiritual and leadership development and maybe, in due time, that of someone else also. Its success will be fully dependent on Jesus speaking to me through His Spirit, His Word, and His creation (you!). I have a tendency to start things and not follow through with them to completion. In this case, I suppose completion would be achieved when I am convinced this blog has served its purpose. Maybe this will be my last entry. We'll see ;) I hope to make my entries about things I am learning in the Word, in life, in my readings, from my marriage, my friends and so on. I hope others enjoy it, but even if I am talking to myself I feel I am starting a sweet journey. Here we go...