Friday, October 30, 2009

Yard Sale

I have the privilege of meeting with two stellar dudes at 6am on Friday  mornings at a local Starbucks. Every time we meet I always walk away with something that I am excited about. Maybe it's just the coffee working but I thought I would share something from our time together this morning and just let you be the judge. If nothing else, this is a good way for me to get something written down so I don't just forget it like 99% of the other good things the Lord is speaking to me through other people and His Word. I will try to keep this simple and to the point. 
Why do Christians always get to pick the parts of the Bible they want to apply to their lives? And why do the radical passages rarely get chosen as those which "apply" to us? And why do the general commands and the specific commands of Jesus never seem to line up the way it seems like they should in our modern day American lives? And it is probably this last question that I want to elaborate on and leave you with. Partly because it makes no sense and partly because I think it will resonate with many of us.
I will give one example of what I mean. In Matthew 16:24-26 Jesus gives a "general" command which many of us are familiar with. Namely, if you want to "come after" Jesus then you need to lose your life, take up your cross, deny yourself, etc. Now, this command is "general" because it seems to me that there is some freedom of interpretation as to what exactly Jesus means by, for example, "lose your life". I mean, let's be honest, I have lost a lot of things. My Dad used to often tell me, "Boy, you'd lose your butt if it wasn't attached." But, I am not sure I could manage to lose my life, on purpose, in order to follow Jesus. He must mean something else. This is where there seems to me to be room for interpretation. Which is also where most people in the modern, North American, evangelical church, myself included, will interpret this general command to mean that we must forget about ourselves, go to church instead of watching football, share our faith with people, read our Bibles at the expense of sleep, tithe, and whatever else. I don't need to tell you. What do you think it practically means? Probably something similar to everyone else you know and not too similar to the following.
Now, on to the specific command. In Luke 18 Jesus gives a specific command to a specific, well-off person, "Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." Ouch! Now, my question, why is there such a huge discrepancy between what Jesus tells this rich guy he must do in order to follow him and what we think we need to do to follow him? Obviously Jesus wasn't talking specifically to me in Luke 18, but there is clearly a strong parallel between what Jesus calls all who seek to follow Him to do and what the "rich ruler" is told he needs to do.
Let me be more straightforward. I never want to apply the most radical passages to my life, even though there is a strong argument in favor and as I sit in church and look around I am saddened to think that few, if any, are even considering the idea that Jesus might call them to sell everything (lay down their lives) and give the proceeds to the poor. I mean really. Who does that? And why in the world do I get to decide what it means to "lay down my life" when every Biblical example I can think of is called to something so much more ridiculous than anything I would ever come up with through my own interpretation.
I know I am basically just rambling about something that Christians sit around and talk about all the time. It's just the basic, "Why aren't we more radical?" coffee shop discussion. Which I do enjoy, don't get me wrong. But this past week I have just become a bit more aware than normal of my own sinful reluctance to listen to Jesus and the Holy Spirit as He whispers, "Josh, sell it all and come, follow me." 
I have no idea what to do about any of this. Maybe go crazy, maybe just forget about it until it comes up again next time, maybe get bitter at all the "Christians" who are absolutely no different than anyone else in this fallen world, or maybe have a yard sale.  I'll keep you updated.


  1. As I sit here in the computer room and look around.....I see so many THINGS that I could sell so I could give to the poor. So many THINGS I could sell and give the money to the church so they would be able to reach more people for Christ.....would I be willing to sell it ALL and walk off into the sunset(well, walk off towards the sunrise since I would not be able to walk far into the sunset living this close to the ocean) and give my life totally to Christ? At times I would like nothing better than to do just that. Do I have the will that I should have to be able to do that? NO! Is it because I don't have the faith that I should have to do that? Probably.....If I have the faith to KNOW that when my time is finished here on earth I will be with my Creator in Heaven, then why don't I have enough faith to be able to give it all up for HIM right now? Is it because I am human and I am flawed or is it because I am weak and afraid?

  2. You made me think of selling some of my stuff too, like my lazy and comfortable love of sleep that I tend to choose over waking up early to spend that time with God first before my toddler gets up.

    Hmmm, let us know how your sale goes.

  3. great post dude. i "liked" it on facebook and it came up as number one on my news feed too :)

  4. by the way that last comment was me, Brian Barela--sorry about the long string of numbers and letters.

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone. I will definitely keep you updated. Skip-I appreciate your sincerity. I think the "why?" question is very important. I fear that sin and fear are at the top of the list. Steph-Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with Andy and the little cutie. Brian- Thanks for the "like". Your passion for blogging keeps me going.

  6. I think its time for an update....I know you must be busy.....I need something to encourage me to think deeper.
